Prepare for a really rainy day

OakvilleReady Objectives

Extreme weather is becoming more frequent in Oakville and is affecting our community on a more regular basis. During times of extreme weather, ice storms, flooding, and wind events, local residents are asked to be prepared. OakvilleReady hubs will add an extra layer of support to our community in a time of need.

Why should I be involved?

Being ready for extreme weather is something that we, as local residents, should be aware of and actively practicing on a daily basis. This can include making sure your cell phones are charged, having a 72 hour personal preparedness kit for yourself and your family, and knowing who you would assist in your neighbourhood.

Prepare for the first 72 hours?

The first 72 hours after a critical weather-related event are the most challenging as neighbours are at their most needy and emergency services are usually unable to assist everyone at the same time. It’s critical that we ALL know how to relieve the strain and provide comfort where and when needed.

Know your Neighbour: identify someone on your street, in your building or at work who you would help if a weather disaster should strike.

Fill out your emergency plan, prepare a kit and refer to for what else you can do before, during and after a storm to build your resiliency.

Sign up with OakvilleReady: signing up will help channel resources and identify which hub is closest to you.

This program has been generously funded by:

© Copyright OakvilleReady

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